Ambit Bio Medix

It is quite a confusing stage when you finish the pharma degree course from a reputed institute. When you ask others, you get different advice from different people.

Some recommend joining a pharma company because it is a safe decision as per them. Some people strongly reject the idea and suggest that you start your own pharma franchise business.

What is better? To own a pharma marketing company or join a pharma franchise marketing company?

Well, there is no set answer to this question. It all depends on the individual and the opportunity available.

Some people are quite fortunate. They get selected by the campus selection process or get a job immediately after their degree course.

Some people have to struggle a lot before getting their breakthrough.

Experts say that if one doesn’t get a good job within one year of passing out, then it is better to own a Top 10 Pcd Pharma Franchise Companies instead of waiting for a job.

Why is it better to own a franchise?

Joining a pharma company is quite exciting and lucrative, but this dream destination doesn’t arrive always. The next better option is to own a pharma marketing company.  Here are some benefits to it:

  • You get the freedom to work. When you own a pharma marketing company, the business terms, working hours, and other parameters are decided by you.
  • You can start the business with a small amount. Pharma marketing company doesn’t need deep pockets. You can launch it with limited funds. As the investment requirement is not massive, the risk involved is less.
  • It is up to your choice, which product range you select, and what marketing strategy you follow.
  • You put effort into running a business of your own. The more you work, the higher the rewards you get. There is nobody who will give sales or revenue targets. You have to decide the same and start working.
  • The pharma marketing business offers incredible flexibility and freedom. From business planning to forecast and making a strategy to deriving implementation strategy, you do everything. There is no external influence or control.


Looking at the positive side of it, owning a Pcd Pharma Franchise Companies in India is a great decision. As the Indian pharma business performs consistently better, the future looks great.

Hence, the earlier you start the business it is better. It is a challenging and exciting business that requires a lot of enthusiasm and dynamism.  Those who have these traits can do wonders.

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